Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Group 32 - Trust Me

Today was our first day of working on the Psychology Fair 2016. Alexis, Lauren, and I decided to do an experiment called "Trust Me". This experiment simply consists of 4 signs (2 for each person) and 2 pieces of candy. The two people will have to decided whether they will chose to keep or share that candy with the other person. If they both choose "share" than they both get candy. If one chooses "share" and the other chooses "keep" than the individual that chose "keep" will get both pieces. If they both choose "keep" then neither of them will receive candy. We're hoping to see if there choices are effected by whether or not they are strangers to the other person, how their reactions are to each other after they've revealed their decisions, and how many people will take the risk of loosing it all just so they can have it all to themselves.

We've just began to start this weeks handouts that are due Monday and assigned roles for each of us to do. We are currently looking for different but similar experiments that were done in the past to relate to our experiment.

Piece by piece progress is being made! Alexis, Lauren, and I spent today looking in depth to previously done experiments that had similarities to our own. We all managed to find one and do some research into how they approached their experiment and how successful they were with their results. We will soon begin to write our  journal processes on the research we've done and how we plan to set up our own.

With all of our research done, we have finally started to write our journal combining all of our information. While Lauren works on that, Alexis and I have started to find the cause and effects of our experiment. We've also been finding relationships with our main point (Trust) that we can try to prove and disprove with our experiment. All in all this will lead us into finding our hypothesis. Only one more handout to go for this week!

Starting off this week my group and I have managed to finish all of the handouts 11-15 and have finished writing our thesis and hypothesis for our experiment. Our thesis for our "Trust Me" experiment is "The reward of candy makes a person selfish.". We have also planned out more of our experiment identifying the independent variable (Playing against a friend), the dependent variable (Increase in trust), and the constant variable (Only allowing 10 seconds to come up with their answer). Tomorrow we will be working on a few more worksheets and then we can start planning for the fair setup!

Today my group finished more of our handouts (19 & 20). We have started to work on our rough draft to our experiment. We put more thought into our experiment and we are now going to add a survey to the end of our experiment. After they have participated in "Trust Me" they will answer whether they are male or female, a freshmen-senior, whether they are a stranger or friend of the person they played and whether they picked to keep or share the candy. My group and I are curious if any of these options stick out more than others do we making these decisions.

Our Wednesday was a quiet one today! We were able to get a lot of our work done ahead of time so today we were able to sit back and look at the over all picture of what we had to get ready. We have begun planning the signs we have to make and our shopping trip we have to do for all this candy! Lauren has been hard at work with the first rough draft of our essay while Alexis and I are organizing all the supplies needed.

All of our handouts were officially finished today! Moving onto planning out our poster and setting up our displays! Today after finishing the worksheets, I (Lisa) made the Google forms survey that each person will take after they're done with the experiment. This is later on help us to prove if our thesis was wrong or right and see if any of our variables make a difference in people's choices!

Today is an easy day of planning our backdrop for our table at the fair! We are typing out our hypothesis and our research information to let people read while waiting to do the experiment. Only 4 more work days until Psychology Fair!

Over the weekend my group and I have put a lot more thought into our poster and have actually began to design it! We have a theme of Tom and Jerry on there both tricking each other about sharing candy just like our experiment. Today in class we are typing out all the rest of our information to get it ready and put on the board.

Today we did our final touches on our poster and our information. We are currently setting up for our first trial of our experiments against the parents of all us students. Cant wait for tomorrow!

3/24/16 PART 1
Psych Fair 2016 is finally here! We are off to a great start this morning with many visitors at our booth! I will be trying to blog throughout the day today with the results were seeing. Thank you from the Trust Me group, we hope to see as many of you as we can today!

3/24/16 PART 2
 Psych Fair is going great! Seeing peoples reactions to their answers is very entertaining. There has been answers all over the board with keeping and sharing and many friendships either bonding stronger or breaking part! The experiment is going very well today. Only 4 more class periods to go!

3/24/16 PART 3
We are down to the last 20 minutes of Psych Fair 2016! We've had better results than we could've imagined today. Cant wait to see the tallied up results and see how much trust there is at Sandburg! Thank you to everyone who came to the fair today, couldn't have done it without you!

Psych Fair 2016 is officially over! We cant thank you all enough for coming and participating in our experiment. It all went better than we ever expected it to be! Throughout the whole day more people tended to share their piece of candy than to keep it for themselves. Good to see such positive feedback from all of this.

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  1. I think your idea is related to the "prisoner's dilemma" - this article uses that idea within the context of a test and extra credit - really interesting http://theconversation.com/how-understanding-the-prisoners-dilemma-can-help-bridge-liberal-and-conservative-differences-46166?utm_content=buffercb501&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

  2. Thank you for this suggestion! We have looked over this article and have found it very helpful. We will be sure to consider this when looking into any further research and journal entries.

  3. We talk about this all the time in AP Micro: it's called Game Theory. There are 2 game shows that use Game Theory as it's main component. An old US show called "Friend or Foe", and a British show called "Golden Balls". You can see You Tube clips from both shows too

  4. We talk about this all the time in AP Micro: it's called Game Theory. There are 2 game shows that use Game Theory as it's main component. An old US show called "Friend or Foe", and a British show called "Golden Balls". You can see You Tube clips from both shows too

  5. That was very helpful for more examples and comparisons to our experiment. Thank you!

  6. Putting friends against each other for food could be dangerous! But I like the idea and Tom and Jerry is always a good theme. Good luck!

  7. I'd love to see how different levels of relationships between people will affect their choices! And also see which gender tends to Keep it more!

  8. I love the competitiveness it displays. Candy is always a good prize

  9. I remember learning about game theory earlier this semester in ap psych, its good to see it now being put into action

  10. it uses the idea of incentives which is really cool

  11. The prisoners dilemma concept is super interesting. I think most people will choose to fend for themselves and keep the candy.

  12. Love how the experiment tests for competitiveness. Cute poster idea.

  13. Im curious to see the break down of who trusts people. Trust is something that is valued heavily by a lot of people, while at the same time people very willingly give it out.

  14. Your experiment is a great example of competitiveness and self gain. It'll be interesting to see how people will pair up and react to each others decisions.

  15. I think this is a good example competitiveness and of how far a person will go to win a prize.

  16. Wow reminds me of that one clip I watched in micro sophomore year when they played with actual money! Maybe you could follow up and interview the participants for their reactions (were they bitter?) and maybe their motives (they were there to win!!) and also maybe their connection/relationship to eachother (are they friends? rivals? accomplices? acquantances (i can't spell that word hahahah!!!), ex-lovers?!?!??!?!) have fun psychologists!!!!!!! hope you get good data and learn about psychology!!

  17. Cool idea. I'd like to see the differences in male and female results.

  18. It looks interesting to see how people would react when confronted with a situation like this

  19. Keeping track of how people that are strangers vs. friends respond to your project is a great idea. I think the results will be very different for both.

  20. This experiment will best exemplify how competitive individuals are and how far they will go (or how selfish they will be) in order to gain something for themselves. I am looking forward to seeing this!

  21. cool idea! I wonder if people are more likely to share or not

  22. I would love to see the outcome of this experiment. I'm sure it will be interesting to have two strangers take part in the experiment vs two strangers.

  23. I love this experiment!! Can't wait to see how people choose.

  24. I learned about this in microeconomics and know this experiment directly relates to real life which is interesting.

  25. I think this experiment will be a good indicator of competitiveness in people

  26. This will be fun to see the results between friends. ;)

  27. This experiment shows how selfish people can be in nature. It would be nice to see people look deeper and figure out they can work together for a bigger benefit

  28. I feel as if people who know each other will definitely be more kind to each other and less selfish since they know each other on a more personal level than just strangers; so naturally, if you know the other person your actions towards them will be different than towards a stranger.

  29. I like this idea because of the competitiveness and to see how far people will go or if they will surrender and help the other person.

  30. This shows a level of competitiveness and relationship. I'm excited to see how your results turn out! Best of luck to you all

  31. Very well done, detailed, and put together! Cant wait to see the resutls

  32. Thank you all for your comments! we will keep you posted on our results. Cant wait to see you all tomorrow!

  33. This experiment seems really interesting! This is a very detailed description and seems very put together!

  34. I like the idea of using the prisoner dilemma concept. Also candy is always a great reward!

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