Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Group 13 - Would Bozo the Clown make a good pirate?

Day 1- Today we picked our experiment and began to organize our future layout.

Day 2- Today we began to research other experiments similar to ours.  For our experiment, we will be testing the difference in depth perception with monocular and binocular cues with having our subjects toss three balls into buckets with varying distance from their standing position.  We want to look at the difference in accuracy between using both eyes to throw and only having one eye to throw the balls.

Day 3- Today we explored deeper into finding other experiments that will be similar to ours, and began getting ideas of forming a hypothesis to use on our own experiment.  We are considering the hypothesis of how when a participant is asked to throw the balls into the buckets, with one eye their accuracy will decrease by approximately 40-50%, compared to using both eyes to throw the balls in the bucket.  This hypothesis is still being discussed, and we will most likely have formed one by tomorrow. Getting very excited!

Day 4- Today we have finalized our hypothesis.  It is that having the participant throw the balls into the buckets with two eyes and then one eye will be more accurate than the ones who throw with one eye and then two eyes.  We also developed the variables of our experiment to be used, such as the independent and dependent variables and the constant.

Day 5- Today we have listed out our steps for what we will be doing with our experiment, and began to get ideas on how to collect the materials that we need.  They include six buckets, six bean bags, and two eye patches.  Luckily these should be easy to obtain for the three of us.  Looking forward to being able to carry all of this out in a week!

Day 6- During our time in class today we started to explore and collaborate on our rough draft for the project, where we have to list our supplies and our hypothesis and just get an idea for our final paper due after the fair.  Also, we provided information to our teacher so that he can start to plot out our locations during the fair.  Hopefully we shouldn't take up too much space, although we will need to have room to have participants toss bean bags into buckets at a fair distance.  We also started to plan out where we are getting our supplies from.

Day 7- We did not do much today, just established the name of our booth and got some of our supplies needed for the fair.  We worked a little on some worksheets that needed to be done, but otherwise not much of a productive day.  Tomorrow we will complete the necessary documents for the fair.

Day 8- We have finished the final worksheets required!  We have our poster board ready to go for tomorrow, and have come up with a better booth name.  We hope that our experiment will go well and attract enough people to get sufficient data needed to help with our hypothesis.

Day 9- Today we started to create a blue print of what our poster board will look like.  We want to make it pop out to our viewers and to attract as many people as we can.  To do this, we will try to make our title pop out, include pictures of bozo the clown and are looking into getting a picture of bozo the clown with an eye patch and other pirate attire.  We want to make this a fun experiment where people get to actually do physical things instead of just walking around and doing nothing.

Day 10- We started to work on our poster board today.  We are trying to make our title as big as possible, but also at the point where we can make it pop out to on lookers.  Our layout is slowly piecing together, but there is promise.  Hopefully we get everything done as soon as possible and make it look presentable and unique.

Day 11- Today was the last day to work on our project in class.  We got a lot done on our poster board, although it still needs a few touches, so we will finish it at home.  Cannot believe that our parent night for the fair is already tomorrow!  Should be a good time.

Day 12-  We are all set for the fair now!  Parent night is tonight, hopefully things go well.

Day of Fair- First group of people are coming in, things going good so far, hopeful to get lots of people.  People are very surprised by their lack of depth perception with only one eye, it's pretty humorous to watch.   Data collecting going well so far, have approximately 100 people so far over 2 and a half periods, so our average of 35 people per period looks in tact.  Starting to notice differences in people covering their dominant eye versus their non dominant eye.  It has been fairly slow the past couple periods, so hopefully we can still reach our target sample size.  Today went well with our experiment, we surpassed our target sample size, and collected good variations of data among the participants.  All in all I'd say it was a successful Psych Fair, and we had a fun time doing it too.

Final Entry- The day of the psych fair was a lot of fun!  It was cool to see so many different experiments and surveys going on, and to see so many people come in and participate in them.  We were very fortunate to have enough people to reach our estimated sample size, and will look at the data to come to a conclusion on whether our hypothesis will be proved false or true.  With the varying results, there is a 50% chance of getting one or the other.  I would definitely recommend other people to do the psych fair in the future because the experience is very fun.


  1. This blog is really detailed! I can't wait to stop by tomorrow!

  2. I look forward to seeing which eye is more accurate

    1. I feel that at across a short distance, there will be little variation. To see real results you should try them at different distances, one close one decently far and one difficult to make.

  3. This sounds like an interesting idea. There are variables that can't be controlled like the person's initial accuracy but I would kind of like to try it. Good luck at the fair!

  4. Can't wait to try this experiment tomorrow! Great job with the blog, it was very detailed and informative.

  5. this sounds really interesting, super detailed!

  6. I'm interested to find out how this plays out for me if i get a chance to try it and see which eye I'm better with after!

  7. Getting the viewers active is a great way to engage us in the experiment.

  8. I cant wait to try this tomorrow and see how my accuracy is affected when using one eye

  9. Sounds like a very interesting experiment

  10. Really great blog! This is going to be an interesting experiment

  11. This blog is very detailed. I'm interested to see if your hypothesis is correct.

  12. super extensive blog! I'd love to see how this turns out!

  13. Seems pretty fun to participate in

  14. annnnnnddddiiiiieeeeyyyyyy!!! steve lim says you lookin good today boi! time for the trans sausage toilet paper in your yard ;) 💯 remember to buy the thongs for Steve 📬 come in Nick J
