Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Group 25 - The Anticipation Factor

Day 1- Today we picked our group project for the psychology fair. We decided to pick fears and anticipation. We choose this topic because we (Stephanie) like freaking people out. We also chose this topic to see how anticipation enhances the fears. We predict that anticipation will increase the heart rate of the initial fear.

Day 2- Today we talked about the student 13 handout. It requires us to find another experiment that is similar to ours with fear and anticipation. We have to find a website and fill out the handout based off of the website.

Day 3- We continued to work on student handout 13. We also started handout 14 and student handout 15. We decided that we are gonna use the app "Cardiio" to take the participant`s heart rate. We also are starting to look for videos that raise the heart rate. We need to find a video that will scare people who are scared easily (Me and Stephanie) and people who it takes a lot for them to be scared (Ana).

Day 4- Today we worked on our student handout`s 13, 14, and 15

Day 5- Today student handout`s 13, 14, and 15 are due today. We already turned in student handout`s 14 and 15, we focused are attention towards student handout 13 today. We also have decided on our videos that we will be using during our experiment to increase people`s anticipation and heart rate.

Day 6- Today we completed student handouts  16 and 17. Student handouts 18-20 are due Thursday by then end of class. We are basically figuring out what supplies we need for the psych fair, Stephanie brought in the poster board today. We decided that our experiment is going to be two and a half to three minutes. 

Day 7- Today we finished student handouts 18-20. We also used Google forms to make a document that keeps all of our data organized. We started to plan what our poster is going to look like and who is buying the supplies. We are going to use items such as glitter, construction paper, etc. Friday we plan on starting the poster and then Monday and Tuesday we will finish the poster. 

Day 8- Today we planned out how our poster is going to look. We are going to use bright colors for our construction paper (Pink, Green, Blue, orange). We are going to add our interactive parts of our poster Monday. We also are bringing the supplies Monday and Tuesday, and then we are going to finish it Tuesday.
Day 9- 3 more days till the psych fair!! Today we just worked on our poster because our last day to finish everything is tomorrow. We decided that we are going to use red paint to make hand prints on the poster board to make it look eerie and scary. We also are going to use pictures of clowns because people are afraid of clowns, showing that our project involves fears.

Day 10- 2 more days till the psych fair! Today we just finished our poster! Its got descriptions of our experiment on it which we typed and printed out. The hand prints look really good and adds something to the poster. Tomorrow is parents` night so we are excited to try out our experiment.

Day 11- Tomorrow is the Psych fair!!!! Today in class we just talked about what is going to happen at parents` night and tomorrow and the official psych fair! We discussed how we are going to clean off the earbuds and Stephanie is going to bring in baby wipes. I am also bringing in candy to give the kids after they try our experiment!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! The yellow guy is me when I saw Andy`s essay score...

  2. This is a great idea to study, fear is a bizarre occurrence and I like how you're incorporating anticipation into defining it's severity. Also, it's cool that you're using an app to see the biology of it too. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! we believe that anticipation affects the heart rate greater then fears alone.

  3. Really love that you're recording heart rate to ensure that your experiment is valid!

    1. Thanks! We are recording heart rates to show the difference between knowing something is going to pop out and not knowing.

  4. this sounds like a good experiment for people who get scared so easily especially from things like jumpscares

    1. We noticed that the people who were easily scared had a higher heartrate then people who were not.

  5. Sounds like a cool experiment. Especially with the heart rate part for measurement.

    1. We used the app cardiio! It was really helpful,it was pretty accurate and took the heart rate quickly!

  6. I want to see you dupe the guys who are going to be like "I wasn't scared" by showing them their heart rate.

    1. Some guys told us that they weren`t gonna be scared! I had one refuse to do it and one who jumped so fast he hit his head :(
      He was ok though!

  7. I like that you're using heart rate to get an accurate measurement!

    1. we found that anticipation affected the heart rate more!

  8. Fear is always an interesting subject

    1. It is! I found it interesting how big of a role anticipation played into fears!

  9. Fear is different for everyone which makes it an interesting topic. I'm sure it's going to be interesting to compare everyone's results.

    1. I could see from the different heart rates who was easily scared and who was not! Some people had little to know spikes but some had huge increases! It was very cool!

  10. I have never seen an experiment of fear before at the psychology fair. I can't wait to see how this turns out!

    1. We tried to try something new! I believed that it was successful! People told me that they enjoyed it and that it worked because they got scared! I hoped you tried it and liked it!!
